Top 6 GOJIRA Songs From the 2000s That Make You Throw Your Neck the Hardest

Published on 9 January 2025 at 22:55

6 GOJIRA Songs From the 2000s That Make You Throw Your Neck 


Neck throwing is a common occurrence when listening to GOJIRA.

Headbanging is the image that comes to mind when one thinks of heavy music. However, GOJIRA has been causing us fans to do more than just head bang. Gojira has ignited an inordinate amount of neck throwing to their music since their demo days in the 1990s. Gojira’s first three studio records are filled to the brim with neck throwing tunes. These six songs will cause you to get up and throw your neck the hardest. 



“Clone” from terra incognita (2001)


The first two minutes and thirty seconds exemplify the brutality of French death metal. The song slows down before one of the most brutal breakdowns enters your ears and causes you to send your neck to another dimension. Perhaps “Clone” has stayed off the band’s setlists for the last handful of years for audience safety concerns.



“Deliverance” from terra incognita (2001)


Early Gojira is brutal in many ways. “Deliverance” will cause listeners to have their neck in shambles by the end. Joe and Christian’s guitar riffs paired with Mario’s double bass give us no better reason to throw our necks. Joe demonically utters “Blood boils inside” before pulverizing us with his riffing and Mario performing double bass work that will put any metalhead's neck to the test. 

“Love” from terra incognita (2001) 


For those of us who have seen this song live, we know how vile it is. The first minute and fifteen seconds is an epic build up before Mario’s double bass punches us in the face and causes us to send our necks to another dimension. Joe’s evil growling vocals carry us along as we are meet with one of Gojira’s best breakdowns. The last minute and twenty second of the song will have you tossing neck with blistering fury.

“Wisdom Comes” from the link (2003) 


How well can lyrics based off a Greek playwright translate to metal? Gojira proved no matter what the lyrics may be based on, neck throwing can be made possible. “Wisdom Comes” clocks in at under two and a half minutes but expect to be throwing your neck for that entire time. Mario’s almost endless double bass work carries listeners from one riff to the next and from one neck throw to the next. 

“Backbone” from From Mars to Sirius (2005)


Imagine this, you're on the bar seeing Gojira for the first time live. Before you know it, you're being squished up against the bar as the opening riff of “Backbone” sends the crowd into a frenzy. Mario’s double bass work paired with Gojira’s epic riffage possesses you to throw your neck as hard as your spine could handle. Don’t even get me started with the ending breakdown, where no neck is safe, backbone destroyed. 

“Flying Whales” from From Mars to Sirius (2005)


Pick scrapes. Gojira is known for it, and they give it to us in the vilest way in “Flying Whales”. But to ignore the rest of the song would be a mistake as the opening riff sends even the stiffest of spines into movement as necks are thrown. The song slows down with two minutes and ten seconds left but then we are violently struck with the meanest, pick scraping breakdown known to mankind. We throw our necks for the whales. 

Do you think there's heavier songs from GOJIRA's first three albums? What riffs make YOU throw neck? 

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